This is the four part philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the
Peanuts' comic strip.
1. You don't actually answer the following questions (this isn't a test);
just think about them:
Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
Name last three Academy Award winners for best actor.
Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How many of those questions could you have answered?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.They are the best in their fields. But
the applause dies.......Awards tarnish, Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
2. Here's another set of questions. See how you do on it:
Name three teachers who aided your journey through school.
Name three friends who have helped you through difficult times.
Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
Name five people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
Name five people with whom you enjoy spending time.
Easier, right?
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most
credentials, the most money, or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most!
Let those people who have made a difference in your life know it!
3. 'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.... It's already
tomorrow in Australia!'
4. 'Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!'
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I Know Christmas Is Over....
But mommy can you please get me this! Lol. Yo I swear I be running across some of the coolest (shit) things ever. Its so hard for me not to curse. Have you ever heard of DXG? They're like some unknown camera company...I would have never heard of them had I not worked at Circuit City. Anyways....they have this camera/mp3 player/mp4 player/radio/game system. You can hook it up to the tv and record real time. It's the coolest piece of technology I've ever seen and it's well worth its low price tag. It also has expandable memory which can put a memory card in it lol. You know what, I'm about to order mine right now...I'd advise you to do the same :). Google it...DXG-521 Roadster.
Yeah Kanye You Did Owe Me A Dollar....
So I was browsing the net downloading music as always and I ran across this unreleased track by Kanye. Its called Payback and it features some unknown low fame rappers, I dont really know what to think of really doesn't even sound like Kanye but listen and tell me what you think of it.

Do It For the Ladies
Fresh outta Baltimore I present to you my girl Courtney. She been on the circuit since she was in the 5th grade and she been killin' the game ever since. I wont get all the pictures until tomorrow but I'm telling you the girl no games on the sewing tip. I did a lil interview over la telephono while she was designing and listening to music and this is what I got. Ignore my broken spanglish lol I just make it up as I go.
[Hey ya by Outkast plays in the background]
Dollaz: What would you call your style?
Courtney: "Everything mixed into one. I don't know what to say...I like stuff from London..basically Europe. I'm a vintage chick. I like mixing everything into one. I like ruffles and cleats...I'm tailored."
Dollaz: I can dig what makes your clothes different from other designers in your age bracket.
Courtney: "There's not many designers in my age bracket. LOL. I mean what do you want me to say. I'm a very shy person and plus if I told you my secrets I'd have to kill you.
Dollaz: Where does your inspiration come from?
Courtney: My mom has a degree in fashion design and merchandising and my father went to commercial arts trade school. I guess I'm all that in one. I just have fun with it.
Dollaz: So can I expect to see anything new in 09?
Courtney: PROM DRESSES! Lol mine comes first though. I work for a boutique called Dollhouse I sell exclusive items just getting a lil' start.
Dollaz: Can the fellas expect anything anytime soon?
Courtney: All my single ladies! Lol. Only by request, designing for guys isn't really my thing but I wont turn a guy down [I've done work for guys in the past].
Dollaz: Can I get some free stuff.
Courtney: What? What's with this word free? LOL.
She going give me some free stuff lol! If interested check her out @ or email @
I'll post more pics tomorrow :)
Just Thought I'd Pass This Along
As I was cruising around the web doing my daily "net window shopping" lol, I ran across They specialize in urban fashion. I think they're in affiliation with Kanye because they have the Donda West foundation on their site. Anyways you should probably check it out because they're having a mega-sale...I'm talking 50 percent off any item. You know you still got that christmas money ;). Hurry up, because I don't know how long it's going to last. Good luck...remember diversify..I don't really like all of their stuff but there are some worthwile itmes.
Tips For 2009
Ok so as we bring the year 08 to a close, we must not bring the past along to the future.
1. Reconcile past "beefs" because life is entirely too short to devote energy to disliking somebody. If you stay on top of your shit, why worry about anyone elses?
2. matter of fact MURDER AND BURY the word "SWAG." It should no longer be used in your vocabulary. Shit was hot in 08, well the beginning, but the past is the past. Find a new word, reinvent your vocabulary.
3. Implement VERSASTYLE in 09. I don't like to toot my own horn but I'm a fly ass dude and even I'm getting bored with what I wear. Switch it up in 09 if you haven't already. I don't mean get a whole new look, just diversify and make it versatile...hence VERSASTYLE.
(P.S. Dont steal my word :))
4. Did you see the p.s.? That brought me to this point. Don't bite others. Be unique with it youhearme? Some may say this blog is biting? Fuck it I guess if they not talking you not making a difference.
5. Leave the negative shit behind. If it aint doing you no good, why are you holding on to it? I'm talking about everything from weed and alcohol to shopping addictions. If its a female or male and you want that old thing back but he or she aint doing you like they supposed to....its hella fish in this sea we call the world.
6. Be happy! Start the new year off right. Have a drink and enjoy life. You made it through another crazy thankful.
7. Bookmark the site....I guarantee you'll love it.
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