Excuse me if I didn't proofread. I'm human and I didnt feel like it; I just let my thoughts flow.
I think I've found out the secret to society. Every one has had their moment where they've seen somebody thats on their shit and just out there doing them, but you know they say there's always someone bigger, better, stronger, etc. I think I've finally discovered the reason why people talk shit about those they do not know. When you see somebody that's better than you....you feel vulnerable and you feel as though you have to make that person as weak as you. How do you do this? Start some bogus ass foul ass rumor about this person, or gossip, or whatever you decide to do to the point that its accepted as truth. I'm supposed to be this arrogant ass nigga walking around campus that thinks he's better than everybody but you know I accept shit for what it is. Real recognize real you feel me? Some people just going have to accept the fact that I am in fact better than them...it's the rules of the world. Real niggas and real females dont worry bout other people or what people got to say about them cause they on top of their shit and that's all that matters "at the end of the day." Everybody not meant to be cool with everybody. Another thing with this bogus shit that occurs in society, people gravitate toward greatness. If you can't beat em join em right? But what if that person dont want you to join em? Then what? In comes the bogus shit. That's it I figured it out. No longer will I fall susceptible to the bullshit of society and its monarchical structure. I'll take it for what it is as I sit at the top. For now Ima continue to observe and try to figure out life as it goes...Just thought I'd share.